The popular junctions in South India embrace, Bengaluru Mysore (or Mysuru) and Hampi in Karnataka, Kozhikode and Alleppey in Kerala, Chennai, Madurai and Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu. Aside from that the naturally produced espresso from recent grown espresso beans ****** in Kolkata the Nilgiris of Tamil Nadu and the historic delicacy of Hyderabad that's Biryani makes its guests search more days to stay in the place for the food it has in retailer for the newcomers. Be it the picturesque surroundings of the Western Ghats or the distinguished Nilgiris, each place is understood for its overwhelming beauty and numerous and plentiful wildlife. Nothing can be extra thrilling than the thrill of spotting wildlife in their own pure habitat. If you're a wildlife lover and love spotting animals, then you will need to definitely not miss visiting the countless number of wildlife sanctuaries and nationwide parks in South India.