In 1948, Claude Shannon printed "A Mathematical Idea of Communication" which mathematically describes the passage of data with uncertainty (electrical noise). Notable developments in this century embrace the work of Hans Christian Ørsted, Construction Management who discovered in 1820 that an electric present produces a magnetic discipline that will deflect a compass needle; of William Sturgeon, Architectural Home Design Software,, who in 1825 invented the electromagnet; of Joseph Henry and Edward Davy, Search Result who invented the electrical relay in 1835; of Georg Ohm, who in 1827 quantified the connection between the electric present and potential difference in a conductor; of Michael Faraday, the discoverer of electromagnetic induction in 1831; and Kitchen Remodelers of James Clerk Maxwell, who in 1873 printed a unified idea of electricity and magnetism in his treatise Electricity and Home Remodeling Design Magnetism.